Beauty Beyond Skin


The desert weather in Doha, Qatar is not always a pleasurable factor for outdoor activities and in particular, tanning. But, we need that summer look and feel. We want that fresh bronzed skin color! The sun in Qatar is most certainly not skin-friendly over long hours of exposures and the results, anyways, may not be that tan we aimed for.

Sounds like much trouble, right?

You can still enjoy the beach in Qatar and its waters and settle your tanning concerns with a much safer source…our tanning salon!

Bronzage spa is more than just a tanning salon – it is your destination for a life-changing make-over!

Our space in Doha, Qatar, is equipped with the best tanning machines that will give you the overall tanning experience with much more benefits – a home-like sensation and privacy, as well as beauty beyond your skin!

With that dazzling tanned skin tone, you are not just getting the summer look in check or even an exotic look for wintertime; you are also gaining a more appealing physique because…a tan covers unwanted body cellulite and marks – now, this is the ultimate deal!

Beach sessions take a lot of time to reach desired results; they are time consuming in times of busy schedules. So leave those worries behind and be ready to attend any occasion or last-minute plan without the heavy-burdening process of sunbathing for long hours – your beauty is our concern and your tan is guaranteed in our spa!


Luxuriate in Radiance: Unveiling the Allure of Bronzages Spa in Qatar


Reasons Why You Should Tan in Qatar!